Why do we need PMM network ?

    Do you see your Business as a group of Processes working in Synergy

    Do you believe that your Business growth can be defined and measured by the progressive Maturity of these processes

    Do you believe that the Maturity of the processes in your Organisation can be EnVisioned, Monitored and Tracked over a period of time

Are the critical processes clearly mapped and working at their Optimal best

As a Leader would you not love to map the People, Artifacts, TAT, Workflow of each process and Envision improvements in each area over the next quarter, the next year or 18 months from now

Do you see any traditional BPM satisfying these requirements

Value Add Features Of PMM


The Product ships with a Mobile App, that enables every participant in a workflow to participate via the App. Provides for a truly connected enterprise.


Built-in Analytics that enable every process to be monitored and tracked. Each activity in each Configured process is measured for conformity. DashBoards to senior management and process owners also available.


Options available for both On-Premises hosting or we can host it on the Cloud for you. Dedicated Hosting options also available.


Enterprise / Server based Licensing. No User based Licensing. Lets your organisation scale horizontally.